Original posted : November 21, 2009

Topic starter : Friday, November 20, 2009 (11:25 pm)

*groookk.. groookk.. whaddup? :p*

Before I forget.. I want to share the story of a frog :p

A frog who appeared out of nowhere in my bathroom many days ago.

And then as soon as he appeared, he was gone without leaving any trails behind.

But then..

He appeared again, that time he was in my bedroom.

And *pooff* he was gone again.

And I had my peace without having to worry about his sudden appearance anymore.

But my peace was soon to be broken only couple of days after.

Another frog jumped into my bedroom.

How can I be sure that it was a different frog?

Well.. the first one was a skinny young frog.

And the second one was a much bigger one and looked kinda old.

And this time.. I think I finally able to learn something from him.

After he was jumping here and there..

I managed to corner him to the little space between the place where I kept my clothes and the wall and in order not to let the frog get out, I put a shoebox to close the entrance.

And here is my first lesson of the frog.

He tried to escape by jumping.

Many times he failed for he jumped too low than the shoebox I put in front of him.

But without hesitation and with the spirit of never giving up.. he tried again and again and again..

And he managed to escape!!

Oohh, woooww!!

So I guess the lesson that he wanted me to learn is about these ones :

– jump a little bit higher
– try a little bit harder

Hmm.. is that so, froggie?

Maybe you’re right.

I should’ve tried a little bit harder and not easily given up whenever I was stumbled :p

And I thought that was the only lesson that frog wanted me to learn so I was kinda relief that as soon as I grabbed that lesson, again.. he was gone!

But oh boy ooohh boyy..

I was too soon to feel glad!

For the next night he was there again.. this time back to the first place I met his ‘brother’, yupp.. in the bathrom!!

Before I continue..

Here’s the thing..

Frogs aren’t my favourite so I don’t know much about them.

But come to think again..

I don’t really like to gather facts about things that I like.

I just like them and that’s enough for me, whatever facts they are of the things that I like :p

And I like jumping into conclusions with my own perceptions, not based on facts, wakakakakak..

So this thing I’ve learned is based on what I see without knowing the “facts” about frogs..

Things that from others who know better about frogs might think that well.. it’s the nature of frogs anyway :p

Okay, let’s continue with the bathroom’s scene.

That frog jumped to the top of my bathtub edge and because he felt like there was no way out, he tried the other way.

He then tried to climb the wall and when he sticked his slimy legs on the wall, I got another lesson to learn, which was :

– give it a try no matter how seemingly impossible it is

Well.. at least what that froggie did was a mission impossible for me, ahahahaha :p

But I like the message he brings!

For sometimes you know, impossible means.. I’m possible, wakakakakak..

*as always I like jumping into conclusion :p*

Well.. I left him while he was still sticking his slimy legs on the wall and I continued playing games, ahahaha..

And maybe because that froggie thinks I’ve learned the lesson I needed from him, he was gone again 😀

And hopefullyy..

He won’t come back again, huahahaha..

Sorry, froggie..

I’ve just realized that I love you more when you’re already as fried one, cause seeing you alive somehow makes me shiver, hiii..

I’m so glad I’m more into Cinderella story and NOT too fond of the Frog Prince tale, wakakakakak.. so I don’t have to kiss you just to prove that you aren’t a real prince under a spell, froggie :p


Thanks for the lesson anyway ^o^

Topic ended : November 21, 2009 (2:54 am)

*interupted by playing with Angelicious and cooking at Cafe World, ahahaha :p*


Topic starter : Monday, November 16, 2009 (8:47 am)

This post is about the frog which appeared in my bedroom couple of days ago.

I’m still curious up until now cause I still can’t grab any lessons from his appearance!

I mean.. this is something unusual.

If it’s about mosquito then it might not be any lessons that I should’ve learned, huahahaha :p

(Sorry, mosquitoes.. you appear too often that I started taking you for granted, ahahaha :p)

But a frog?!

A frog?! Out of nowhere?!

He must have brought something for me to learn.

But my mind just can’t seem to interpret anything *sigh*

This brought me back in time when a bird came into my bedroom.

This is taken from my other blog :


Originally posted : October 4, 2008


About A Bird : Aim It The Right Way

Hai, D, apa kabar? Baik2 aja? Semoga yaa ^o^

Anywayy, D.. Masih inget ga soal burung yang lagi itu terjebak di kamar gua?

Kalau ngga inget juga ngga apa2 sih, hahaha :p

Cuman belakangan ini gua lagi kepikiran sesuatu..

Bukan.. Bukan soal pertanda baik apa seperti yang si Gwen katakan.

Gua lagi mikir, apa sih yang tuh burung mau gua pelajari dari dirinya?

Hal apa yang lagi2 gua missed mendapatkan pesan pentingnya?

Kala itu yang bisa gua pikirkan cuman satu, yaitu : temukan sasaran yang tepat maka elo akan bisa mencapainya ^o^

Sampai sekarang juga gua ga bisa memikirkan message lain dari tuh burung sih.

Soalnya hal yang dilakukan tuh burung selama berulang2 di kamar gua adalah :

Menetapkan sasaran yang kelewat tinggi di pintu keluar dan sasaran terbang yang kelewat rendah di jendela.


Yang di jendela sih doesn’t really matter karena toh no way out juga melalui jendela.

Tapi mungkin yang tuh burung mau gua pelajari darinya adalah..

Tetapkan sasaran yang tepat walau itu mungkin lebih rendah dari harapan elo tapi dengan begitu elo akan menemukan jalan keluar dari permasalahan yang elo hadapi.

Gua ngeliatnya nih burung lebih fokus menabrak jendela karena pas mengarah ke jendela, terbangnya itu pakai acara trial and error dalam artian arah terbangnya kadang naik, kadang turunan dikit walaupun kisarannya ya di situ2 aja sebenarnya :p

Tapi ketika terbang ke arah pintu, dia keukeuh ngga berkutik di kisaran terbang dengan ketinggian selalu di atas batas teratas pintu, ngga mau lower down a bit.

Padahal kalau dia terbang lebih menukik ke bawah dikit aja, dia akan found the way out.

Maybe that bird wanted to tell me that all these times I was focusing on the wrong thing?

Maybe gua terlalu sibuk pontang panting menjaga sang ‘jendela’ dan tidak menggubris sang ‘pintu’ makanya gua always got trapped in the same problems?

Beberapa waktu lalu sebelum libur Lebaran, ngga tau kenapa tiba2 gua kepikiran kalau gua harus made peace with my ‘volcano’, ada something inside of me yang menyuruh gua untuk ‘merangkul’ sang ‘volcano’ dan mengajaknya berdamai.

Berkali2 ajakan itu bermain dalam pikiran gua tapi gua mengacuhkannya. Dan ego gua menahan gua untuk mengibarkan bendera putih tanda gencatan senjata and sebagai ajakan untuk berdamai.

Again, maybe I was listening to the wrong ‘voice’? That is why gua jadi teringat kembali akan si burung yang sempat terjebak dalam kamar gua?!

Ahh.. Burung, lain kali elo gua kursus-in berbicara ala manusia atau menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia dhee sehingga elo bisa langsung ngomong ke gua tentang apa yang elo ingin gua pelajari dari dirimu ^o^

Okee dokee, D.. Until then..

Ciaoo cito, babee..




And this made me realized that I should’ve had a better filing system, huahahaha.. It took me a while to get the posting I wanted :p

And since my old computer crashed, I had no back up, huhuhu..

But hmm.. isn’t it interesting how something can lead you into another one?

A lesson you might’ve learned but sometimes missed?

Well, froggie..

I’ll get your lesson, one way or another!

It’s okay if now I might not get it yet.

But promise me something, froggie..

Next time you visit me again.

Please let me learn something from you, alright? 😉

Topic ended : November 16, 2009 (9:50 am)


Salah satu tanda orang yang lagi ngga ada di creative zone adalaahh..

Bukannya mikirin something to createe tapii.. malah ngubek2 postingan lama untuk di-post kembali di tempat yang lain, wakakakakak :p

Duhh.. ntahlaahh.. beberapa hari ini lagii soo very mentok ide, baik buat nulis ataupun buat ngegambar, soo not in the mood, mo ngapa2in rasanya males les less..

Jadilah gua ngubek2 postingan2 lama gua di Blogdrive.. nyari2 judul yang menarik hati lalu melahap abis apa2 yang pernah gua post.


Ternyataa.. ada gunanya juga gua selalu nulis to say things for myself, jadii pas baca2 ulang, gua masih bisa konek ama apa yang gua tulis, wakakakakak :p

And again.. I want to share this one for youu..

Met menikmati Kamis malam yang dingin inii karena tadi khan abis diguyur ujaann..

Aahh.. don’t you just lovee to smell the grounds after the rain? 😉

Oh btw, this one’s taken from my other blog :


Originally posted on March 11, 2009.


Tonight is so very beautiful ‘bo!

Tenang, gua ngga akan berpuisi ria, bukannya ngga mau tapi kaga bisa, ahahaha :p

Anywayy, coba dhe sempatkan menengok langit malam ini.

Dan tataplah bintang yang berkerlap kerlip di atas sana.

Dan juga bulan yang malam ini bersinar dengan terangnya.

So beautiful.

Didampingi dengan awan tipis yang menggelayut di gelapnya langit.


Baru tadi siang disinggung2 soal langit, bintang, bulan dan sebagainya, eehh, malam ini berhasil menikmati 3 di antara yang siang tadi disinggung2, hihihi 😀

Ketika menatap bulan purnama yang bersinar terang itu, gua jadi menyadari..

Bahwa semua ciptaan Tuhan bisa dijadikan sebagai simbol harapan!

Just choose any kind of God’s creation and you’ll be amazed of the wonders it brings!

Search for it and you will find what you’ve been looking for.


Ahahaha.. you know whatt..

Kadang gua pikir selain nulis.. gua perlu ngebaca2 apa yang gua tulis, hihihi.. karena terkadaaangg.. within time.. the “message” dari apa yang dulu pernah gua tulis itu bisa jadi masih “berlaku” untuk situasi yang gua hadapi sekarang :p

Ada untungnya juga gua bikin backup blog buat Blogdrive, jadii.. sambil copas postingan2 lamaa ke blog baru di WordPress.. gua jadi baca2 lagee apa yang dulu pernah gua tulis and kadang pas baca jadi suka ber-oohh wooww.. dulu kayanya gua lebih “bijaksana” dibanding sekarang yang lebih sering nyungsep, wakakakakak :p

And here’s another old post I want to share with you 🙂

Dari blog gua di Blogdrive :


Original post ini tanggal 23 February 2009 and I guess this is another “message” untuk menguatkan gua di saat gua sedang lemah, hehehe..

You know khan.. the right message will come to the right person at the right time?

Soo.. maybe sekarang waktu buat gua untuk mendapatkan kembali pesan yang dulu pernah gua tulis untuk diri gua sendiri, ahahahaha 😀



Topic starter : Sunday, November 8, 2009 (12:26 pm)

Couple of days ago, I was watching a TV show, nearly at the end of its show.

There was an old woman who was being hypnotized by the talent of the show.

Under that “spell”, she was singing a heartbreaking song about a man who left his wife for another woman.


I don’t know why but hearing her singing that song, I immediately jumped into conclusion that she might be singing the story of her life.

And somehow I guess I was right.

Right after the talent of the show released her from the hypnotize, she then said that she hated men but she didn’t want to talk about it any further, she only said that as for the moment, she only lived for her children only.


I felt sad when hearing her said that, I could sense her bitterness when saying those words and those looks in her face.

Wondering what that one specific man (this case I assumed it’s her husband or should I say, ex husband) had done to her that made her come to that state.


I guess I have this tendency on blaming women in terms of affairs.

I hate myself for thinking this way but just can’t help but feeling this way :p

Maybe because I know men are weak, especially when it comes to the temptation of women!

You know the famous sayings..

Men fall for women whileas women fall for money?!

Sadyly to say but reality speaks that way in general.


It’s a woman’s job to stay away from any unavailable men!

I still can’t understand whyy oohh whyy..

A woman have a heart to hurt another woman!


Topic starter : Saturday, November 7, 2009 (5:01 pm)

Have you ever heard about this :

Be careful of what you wish for?


It’s true!!

Be careful of what you wish for!

For sometimes you do get what you wish.. but NOT in the way you want it to, wakakakakak :p

Take me for example 😉

Couple of days agoo..

I was soo fed up with my routinity at the office.

And I felt soo bored.

I wish oohh how I wish I could have some days off, awayy from the office.

And guess what..

God granted my wishes.

I did have a day off, away from the office.


I was sick, wakakakakakk :p

Thursday night.. got high fever..


Topic starter : Wednesday, November 4, 2009 (12:14 am)

Just a piece of mind left from the previous blog’s link I’ve posted before.

Have you ever heard this quote :

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?


I guess it’s true.. especially related to arts, huahahaha..

There’s no “bad” things when we talk about arts, it’s all just a matter of taste and preferences.

One might say this thing is good but the other might be clueless and really have no idea what’s the good thing in the same picture they see.

It’s not a matter of right or wrong but it’s all.. well.. back again to “taste” itself :p

I lovee seeing beautiful pictures.

What I mean by “beautiful” is the one with bright cheerful and colourful objects within.

Those lively colours sometimes just grab my attentions faster than the gloomy ones, huehehehe..

I’m not saying that all gloomy pictures are bad to me, noo..

I love some of them.. but I prefer the ones with colours :p

And I’m having real difficulties in enjoying abstract pictures for some pictures are well.. that abstract that won’t leave any room for me to imagine things from what I see, ahahaha..

Happy faces always catch my attentions, too..

Love seeing them..

And I guess I’m more interested in cartoon style and things related to children, huahahaha.. kinda childish, I know.. but somehow just can’t ignore them for those pictures are soo free-spirited.

They can break all the rules and still look cute.

(Remember Sailor Moon with her ooohh-so-veryy BIG eyess but still looks gorgeous anywayy ^o^)

Those pictures sometimes have a mind of their own that not everyone might understand.

I just love it..


Topic starter : Tuesday, November 3, 2009 (2:01 pm)

Gaming can be a good way to get to know yourself better.

I learned more about myself from the games I played :p

Hmm.. let’s see..

From Chuzzle Deluxe : I’m soo not good with deadline, it freaks me out instead of arising the best part in me, ahahaha :p

That is why I never like games with timer, ahahaha..

From The SIMS : I’m soo not good in decorating houses, hihi.. and I don’t think I’m into interior design that much.

And recent game of course : PET SOCIETY!

Huahahaha :p

I learned so much from this game about myself.


Topic starter : Monday, November 2, 2009 (2:32 pm)

Who said that blogwalking was such a waste of time?

Whoever said it.. well.. they’re wrong!!

At least blogwalking isn’t a waste of time for me, huahahahaha :p

For I’ve found another great post here :


Have you ever given up doing things that you actually love, just because someone said that you weren’t good enough in what you were doing?

If so, then I suggested you to read the above post, it’s in Indonesian, hehehe 😀

Well.. answering my own above question.. I guess I have, most of the times, ahahahaa..

But because I lovee those things so much, I keep coming back doing them from time to time :p


Topic starter : Senin, 2 November 2009 (12:31 am)

Sebenernya kejadian ini udah gua liat dari lamaa.. sekitar sekian bulan yang lalu, dalam perjalanan menuju ke Emporium Pluit buat berburu ke Gramed yang lagi diskon, huahahaha..

Tapii.. selalu kelupaan buat nulis, hihihi..

Cuman satu kejadian kecil sih, cuman ntah kenapa bikin gua jadi kepikiran.

Jadi ada 2 orang wanita yang sedang menyebrang jalan.

Sisi sebelah jalan yang satu dengan yang lainnya itu dipisahkan oleh saluran pembuang air, atau dalam bahasa kerennya (yang aslii.. kaga ada keren2nyaa!! ;p).. got, huahahahaha..

Naahh.. untuk menyambungkan sisi jalan satu dengan lainnya itu tanpa sang penyebrang jalan harus nyemplung ke got, maka dipasanglah “jembatan” ala kadarnya supaya para penyebrang jalan yang mo lewat tuh ngga perlu susah2 muter nyari jalan lain.


Namanya juga jembatan ala kadarnya jadi yaa githu dhee..

Cuman susunan potongan kayu aja tanpa ada pegangannya sama sekali.

Sang wanita pertama dengan mudah melaluinya tanpa hambatan.

Wanita kedua mengalami kesulitan untuk menyebrangi jembatan itu.

Ketiadaan tempat untuk berpegangan sepertinya menimbulkan keraguan dalam benak sang wanita kedua.

Jarak yang harus ditempuh itu sebenarnya tidaklah terlalu lebar.

Hanya memerlukan beberapa langkah saja maka ia akan sampai ke seberang dengan selamat.

Sang wanita pertama sampai mengulurkan tangannya untuk membantu sang wanita kedua.

Setelah memulai langkah penuh keragu2an.. akhirnya sang wanita keduapun berhasil melewati jembatan itu.

Hal itu bikin gua jadi mikirr..

Ingatan gua menjelajah ke suatu peristiwa yang terjadi sekian belas tahun yang lalu saat rumah yang sekarang gua tempatin ini masih dalam tahap pembangunan.
