October 2009

Holly Kennedy:

All I know is, if you don’t figure out this something, you’ll just stay ordinary, and it doesn’t matter if its a work of art or a taco, or a pair of socks! Just create something… new, and there it is, and its you, out in the world, out side of you and you can look at it, or hear it, or read it, or feel it… and you know a little more about… you. A little bit more than anyone else does… Does that make any sense at all?

Got that quote from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0431308/quotes

It’s from “P.S. I Love You” the movie.

Ahahaha.. I’ve watched this movie 4 times, that’s kinda a record for me for I rarely repeat watching (any) movies :p

But somehow.. maybe.. this movie has a special message for me that made me kept watching it from time to time.

There are soo many things I’ve learned from this movie.

But this time I’m gonna stick to as the title of this post.

About “my business is to create”.

There’s one line from Gerry’s letter when Holly was in Irlandia.

Don’t remember the exact words, but more or less it goes like this.

You see, Love, I’m not worry that you might forget me. It’s that girl in that road that you kept forgetting!

That girl on that road refers to the Young Holly when Gerry first met her.

The Holly who said the words I quoted in the beginning of this post.

Have you ever felt that way?

That you want to share something to this world?

Just something, whatever it is.. to make you be a more than just an ordinary person in this world.


Ohh myy..

Why couldn’t you see that tears were falling down her eyes?

I know I know that it might make you feel uneasy to deal with your emotions.

You might as well feel helpless for not being able to wipe those tears away.

But it’s not about you anymore, it’s about her.

Why couldn’t you, for once in your life, just be a comfort for her.

Let her cry in your arms.

Let her know that whatever things she was feeling at the moment, she would always have you to be by her side.

Why couldn’t you just let her have her tears?!

But instead.. you told her to go to sleep.

I know I know.. sometimes sleep is the better way to ease the pains.

For another day might make you feel different in seeing your problems.

I know that as well.

But I also know..

That when someone finally lose her guards and can’t stop those tears, something might really break her down.

I know it oh so well, for.. I’m like her.

I always keep things for myself.

I don’t want to bother anyone with my problems.

Doesn’t mean that I don’t have any though :p

Heyy.. I’m still human (and not aliens) and I’m still living on the same planet as youu.

We will always have problems as long we’re still living in this world.

Want to be trouble-free?

Go to the other side :p


Have you ever wondered about people who you feel close to?

What makes you feel close to them?

What things do you have in common?

And why them and not the others?

Have you ever heard about the “laws of attractions”, the one that’s kinda popular related to the popular book, “The Secret”?

I’ve never read that one though, hehehe..

But somehow somehow..

Since I like making conclusions without gathering any info..

I feel like this..

Our soul is sending vibes to this world and those vibes in the same frequency might have been attracted to each other when they’re finding the same souls like their own.

Guess in a wayy.. our souls are more honest, they skip the outer appearance and just seek the inner soul which lies underneath.

That is whyy..

I don’t believe in random anymore.


One time Ken (Kenny Nakagawa) wrote a note here in FB about the 3 words that people usually forgot to say.

Those three words were : sorry, thank you and help (or please).

To get to know his insight on this matter, please read his note for I’m gonna talk about something else.

Among those 3 words, what is the most difficult word for you to say?

I’m having no problem at all in saying “thank you”, sometime it’s like an automatic response anywayy, huahahaha.. though in some other times, I say it because I do feel grateful :p

As for “thank you” itself, I think it’s no problem whether you mean it or just lip-service for I think whoever receive it will be glad to hear it.

Now the second word is “sorry”, that I have a little problem with, huehehehe..

Cause sometimes by saying “sorry” that means I admit that I was WRONG!

Ahahahaha.. see, this ego part in me sometimes always think that I’m right, all the time, if something goes wrong, well.. it’s not my fault, hihihi..

*tipe yang ngga nyadar diri :p*

And at times what caused me having difficulty in saying “sorry” is because.. well.. I don’t feel like I’m doing something wrong.

I don’t mind saying “sorry” if the other person at least wants to listen to what I’ve got to say.

Let me have my say.

And if what I say somewhat hurt you, then I’m sorry for hurting you, I do.

But I’m not sorry for what I say for I mean it and I have the rights to feel the way I feel, right?

*even though how I feel might be against how you want me to feel*

I’m sorry if I can’t be like what you want me to be.

I’m not a robot, I have a mind of my own and I have my own thoughts.

(Ouuchh.. jadi curhat :p)

And the last word, “help”, now that’s the word I’m having much troubles to sayy, huhuhuu..


Oh, waitt.. I don’t have any troubles at all saying it.. by writings, ahahaha :p

But to actually say that word from my mouth, ouucchh..

I’m soo having problems with that.

I’m gonna be inconsistent here for a while, hihihi..


I sometimes do wish I had a more extrovert personality so that I can make friends easier with someone new, huehehehe..

Cause having that many friends seem fun :p

But knowing me..

Well.. I guess I can’t keep up with that much friends either.

For I want to connect with each of them in a more personal way.

I want to know more about them, what are they like, what things we do have in common, about their favourites, etc etc.

And I know I’ll be exhausted if I have to do that with soo many friends cause sometimes being with other people for too long can really drain my energies faster, especially when I have to deal with the annoying types, huahahaha :p

*I’m thaaatt introvert, babee.. ahahaha :D*

But still.. having more friends is always always so tempting for me for sometimes my current friends are soo busy with their lifes, huhuhu.. I feel all alone and ehemm.. kinda lonelyy, hihihii :p

Anywayy.. there’s this thing that I got from an online site about personality.

It says :

you dislike social niceties and consider them to be hindrances to real communication.

Aaihhh.. it’s soo mee.. ahahahaha..

That is why I left chatroom looooooong ago, coz I’m so bored having to answer that “age/sex/location” each time I chat with someone new.

I meaaann.. hellooo.. does my age or sex or location really matter that much?

Besidess.. ain’t my nick says it all?

Back then I used “vi_girl22” as my nickname.

(Funnilyy is.. many of them always ask, “Does that vi stand for virgin?” Wakakakakak :p)

I meann.. didn’t that nick imply that I’m a girl, and that 22 might be either my age or my birthdate?

That 22 couldn’t be my birth year, right, for if so I was no longer a girl, wakakakak :p

Soo.. instead of keep asking about that “a/s/l”..

Why don’t we just talk?

Huhuhu.. am I being impolite here?

Like here in FB..


come and smilee with mee :p

So here’s the thing.

This morning I looked at my drawing collection in a plastic folder and there I found a small book, the one I called as “Indah’s Creativity Book” (looks like I was feeling creative at that time, hihihi :p).

I have this kind of habit to write down the date after I finished my drawing and it’s kinda surprised me to know that in that “Creativity Book” were my drawings from back then in 2001!


I never have thought that I lovee drawing that much!

I mean I always know that writing has been some kind of self-therapy for me since I’m having this hard time to talk about my feelings, but too keep all those emotions inside is too unbearable for me to handle, that is whyy I need a way out for my emotions and I release them out through my writings, huehehehe :p

But I never never realize that maybee.. drawings have been some kind of emotional release for me, too..


Oohh myy goodiebag.. this is bad and I’ve just realized it a while ago.

As a balance lover, I’m soo wayy out of balance myself! Ahahaha..

*totally inconsistent.com*


Situation 1 : Planning and Executing

They say that in order to get to your destinations, you have got to have some plans and do as what you’ve planned.

Not a total guarantee that it’ll work for you might miss a bit but you’re going on the right directions anywayy..


Let’s see what I’ve been doing..

Firstlyy.. oohh, I made lots of plan.

Yes, I did!!

But then again.. I never did what I’d planned anyway, ahahaha.. too busy in making them but forget to execute any of them, ahahaha..

Well.. since the 1st step didn’t work, I went on with my 2nd one, which was..

Just did it without making any plans, ahahahaha :p

And where did I land to?

Aww.. do you really need to ask thatt?

Of coursee.. I landed.. eerrmm.. nowhere!! Ahahaha :p

So the next logical step is..

Start making plans and stick to it, right?!

But well.. I haven’t done it yet, hehehe.. kinda lost interest in it, huhuhu 😦



Death was once made me so very scared.

Just thinking about leaving this world frightened me.

I mean, I don’t know what kind of life I’d be living once after I died.

Okayy.. this is a question of faith as well, ahahaha :p

And then I came to another turn of my life.

What was once scared me so much now became something I didn’t even care at all.

Yupp.. death didn’t scare me anymore.

Sadly to say this wasn’t because I had gained more faith, ahahaha ;p

But it was more because I came to a point of my life where living didn’t seem as much exciting as people used to brag about.

Having too many problems, absorbing too many emotional negativities.. made me even think.. heyy.. death couldn’t be any worse than this.

I even think that maybe there in the other world, I could finally have my peace!

But don’t worryy..

Even in my lowest point, I didn’t even think of ending my own life.

Partly because I have my trauma on blood, wakakakak..

And also because.. well.. since this life isn’t mine, I don’t think I have the rights to put it to an end either when my time hasn’t come yet.

I’ve done so many mistakes in my life so I don’t want to end my time on Earth by making another mistake, huehehehe..


Now my life has come to another term..

I’m back to scared mode again!!

Huhuhu.. could this be real?!

Yup yupp yupp..

Now I’m afraid of death again *sigh*

But totally for different reasons!

This time I’m afraid of death because I want to live!!

Ayy ayy.. Indah, you’re so complicated ;p

But ohh..

Doesn’t those words sound wonderful!!

I want to live!!

Let me repeat this once again..

I want to live!!

(okayy.. enough.. too much doze will only make this sound “lebayy”, ahahaha ;p)


Oohh myy goodiebag, just read Lalaa’s blog and what she wrote in her blog.. hmm..

Kok mirips seeh, Laa?!

Okayy.. since I don’t really know the meaning of the words “alter ego”, I’m just gonna use another words, which are “another side of me”, ahahaha..

Soo.. here’s the thing.

I have other Facebook account, under another name, of course.

The first main reason why I made that account was to play Pet Society, huehehe..

But since I got bored in waiting for the game to load, I began interacting with some of friends on my list.

I didn’t mean to do it intendedly but don’t know whyy.. under that name, I was like releasing another part of me.

A part of me which didn’t show often when I was as Indah :p

Indah.. the person who thinks too much of nothing, according to some people, ahahaha..

Indah.. the kind of person who sometimes thinks too much of anything before giving her opinions, ahahaha..

Indah.. the kind of person who hates being in never ending arguments so she has to hold her tongue most of the times in order not to put herself into that kind of situation.

But under this new account..

I became a more carefree person, who didn’t think too much on anything, only knew how to have fun anytime anywhere, I don’t care too much what other people think of what I say.

If you agree with me.. fine..

If you don’t.. well, like I care :p

I had fun there, made new virtual friendship with some.


Okayy.. having too many blogs and sometimes I do write different posts in each blogs, ahahaha.. but sometimes I just copy paste the post anywayy :p

Soo.. sometimes I’m confused whether I’ve posted something here or not, ahahaha..


Since this couple of days I feel this wayy.. and just few hours earlier my friend talked to me on the phone and she also mentioned this one.. so I’m gonna repost this from my NaBloPoMo’s blog (which failed completely cause I lost interest in posting daily there, ahahaha :p)

This one is especially for youu.. my soul companion(s) out there.

Thank youu.. for making me feel that I’m not alone in this world 😉


They say that we, humans, are social persons, meaning?

Even though at times we like being by ourselves, there are always times when we still need other people around us, either to share our stories with them or to share our emotions.

Yes, it’s true.

No matter how individual you are, sometimes you still need other people to keep you sane, ahahaha, cause if you were left alone with your thoughts for too long, you might as well have difficulties to separate the real world with your imaginary one.


Have you ever felt like no one understands you?


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